Independence Day 15.08.2020

Department: NHCE
Date: 15.08.2020
Time: 9.00am To 9.40am
15th August, 2020 was a day of immense pride and joy for all Indians alike. It marked the 74th anniversary of India’s Independence. On this day, we Indians celebrate our heroes and freedom fighters that sacrificed their lives for the nation, and brought us freedom, peace, and joy. New Horizon College of Engineering and New Horizon College, Marathalli celebrated Independence Day with great pride and enthusiasm. The day started off with the hoisting of the national flag by the dignitaries followed by the National Anthem. The symbol of 74th Independence Day, sapling plantation by the Principals and Registrar. After this, the Principal of New Horizon College of Engineering gave a deeply enriching and patriotic speech followed by a patriotic song by the staff members. Principal, New Horizon College conveyed a strong message to all the staff members that there is no invitation required to attend the Independence Day celebration and it’s our primary duty of all the Indians. A beautiful patriotic song rendered by the CSO, Prof. Santhosh, and the Physical Director.
The entire program was live telecasted through facebook to our students who were not able to witness the event physically due to the Covid-19 pandemic.