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Dr.Anitha S Rai library

Dr. Anitha S Rai

Director- Library and Alumni Relations 

The NHCE Library is a resource center for teaching, learning & research. Being the heart of the academic center, it is home for all the information services. It plays a proactive role in enabling access to information resources of all kind and providing innovative, responsive and effective services to meet the changing needs of the academic community.

The major objective of our library is to provide authentic information to the student at any given point of time. The library is spread over two floors with 605 seating capacity, state of art digital library, ID-Card Center, Video Conference Room, Online class room with recording facility, Students Discussion Rooms, Faculty Discussion Room, and Books & Stationery shops are available in the Ground Floor and Stack Area, Reference Section, Circulation Counter, OPAC Search, Journals/Magazines and Newspaper Sections are made available at the Lower Level of the library building. The Library holds a hybrid collection of printed as well as electronic resources which include books, journals, databases, CDs/DVDs, e-books, e-journals, reports, course materials, previous years question papers, bound volumes, project reports, case studies, conference proceedings, etc. Currently the library holds over 48227  volumes, 41 print journals, provides access to electronic resources, newspapers and business magazines, and 4259 multimedia resources, and also have institutional membership of  VTU Consortium, ISTE, CSI, IETE, and IEI.